Entries from 2012-01-01 to 1 year

Your hero is not a prince charming. He is a festive demon.

You can’t have a hero without a villain. Protagonist vs.Antagonist. Good vs.Evil.This is a common plot or needless to say, most plots may directly or indirectly refer to this kind of concept. How about in real life? Yes. Dominant? Yes. Whe…

Wounded Feeling

There are things that we need to let go.


Slaughter High

MY all time favorite. Love the plot. Love the serial killer's costume. I think, I can relate.


My attempt to make a Noh Mask

Yep. Probably not. It turned out to be a "JOKER" mask or somehow a messy one.


I am used to it. I am not really good at drawing. Even expressing my own feelings is not that accurate. But I think, I did my best. So,I am kinda thankful.

One of my fave artworks..




I am digging my own left hand


I still love it. Despite, the downfall of my healthy routine.

It was then, summer.


I am really bad at introductions. But My name is Drews. It's a shortcut for Andrews. This is me. This picture was taken during the fresh of summer. OH well.

I feel different. And I loved it. :)