Entries from 2013-01-01 to 1 month

31st Day of January 2013

31st Day of January 2013Cocoa Frosties. Best way to end the January and to start a wonderful day.

30th Day of January 2013

30th Day of January 2013 My love for filet-O-fish is exceptional from those I love on cheesecakes Well, our exam went into a beautiful driven review to an end view of chaos. Filet-O-fish so yummy.

29th Day of January 2013

Strawberry Whimsical Cheesecake.

28th Day of January 2013

28th Day of January 20132 years ago, I took some personal pictures with this said food chain. I went into a conclusion that their packaging did change in a yearly basis. Today, while on a joyride with my family, I came up with something. S…

27th Day of January 2013

27th Day of January 2013 Gum. Hum while eating the gum. Exactly. My day went into a peppermint flavored day because of this.

26th Day of January 2013

26th Day of January 2013 Okay. BRO. BROADBAND. CONNECTION. BOND. Is it surreal?

25th Day of January 2013

25th Day of January 2013Like this blueberry cheesecake, it is a bittersweet day for me. But it's taste did something to my negative aspect of this day. It's like it has a tender love that loves me straight from the heart. I guess corny jok…

24th Day of January 2013

24th Day of January 2013I am fan of milks. Regular milk, low fat milk, skimmed milk, breast milk? Well, the milk is on. Healthy. Yummy. Milk is yummy when served chilled.Like my day. Chilling.

23rd Day of January 2013

23rd Day of January 2013All I did was to sadden my feelings behind those treacherous and annoying problems.We need something to ease the pain. Something healthy yet to be consume in moderation. Something nutty. Something peanuts. Something…

22nd Day of January 2013

22nd Day of January 2013This nail is coated with sentimental value. One of the remnants from the renovation which my late grandfather never witness. This specific nail was from him. And I always treasure those moments we would talk about h…

21st Day of January 2013

21st Day of January 2013I don't want to reiterate myself between those files I deleted and erased without a purpose. This USB that I bought since last year made a new injunction in my school life

20th Day January of 2013

20th Day of January 2013I just realized that I really hate these words sticking in a sentence, "RETURN OF THE COMEBACK." Anyway, lights are kinda okay from here.

19th Day of Janaury 2013

Weekends starts now. B-Vitamins for supplementing a breathtaking relaxation.

18th Day of January 2013

18th Day of January 2013A brown paper bag. A container in general. A holder in due course.

17th Day of January 2013

Fire Smasher or Rekka Daizantou. Yeah it's from Power Rangers Samurai. I think one of the best super sentais or power rangers series. And I admit that I still want to collect toys and a blessing came that our local toy store made some rese…

16th Day of January 2013

16th Day of January 2013I know this might sound "unjustified" but I use this as my marker pen. A marker pen that would mark those titles behind my notes. Notes for my career.

15th Day of January 2013

15th Day of January 2013Cold. Runny Nose. Flu. Vicks is for you.

14th Day of January 2013

13th Day of January 2013

I think I am keeping this key chain. A souvenir from Cambodia. Thank You, cousin :) Souvenirs are quite important. It reinforce a certainty that you adore from some place or something. It's like a guardian for your memories.

12th Day of January 2013

Smoking is a big no-no in my case. Since, there is a sin tax law in my place, I would like to pay a tribute for a single stick of cigarette being use. Nonetheless, from this day, I am hoping this law would be very effective in eliminating …

11th Day of January 2013

There are times that I got nothing interesting thing or things that are worthy to take a picture of. So, the 11th day of January 2013, this is me.

10th Day of January 2013

"I am a joker. I'm a midnight toker I sure don't want to hurt no one." And came the 53rd existence, this day sets a revealing way to be a wild card by keeping your mouth shut and your hopes up..

9th Day of January 2013

9th Day of January 2013 I am suppose to take pictures in relation with trees. But because of my exams it was indeed postponed. So, to define this day for me it "SOCKS" :)

8th Day of January 2013

I realized that every night, I can't sleep without drinking this clear green tea. This day was meant for a clear closure and it came into fruition.

7th January 2013

Fried Chicken and a bowl of Bistek Tagalog. (A Philippine Version of Beef Steak). Despite of a hectic and harrowing test, I need to reward myself with this.

6th Day of January 2013

They should import this candy. From this day, it will be included in my list favorite candies of all time.

5th Day of January 2013

And the 5th day of January came along, found this headband. I really thought that I lost this headband. It is my first headband after all.

4th Day of January 2013

4th of January 2013This glass of Iced Tea made my day without the outrage from my first day and our first long test and recitation.

3rd Day of January 2013A relaxing peregrination calls for some candies and a bottle of water.

2nd January 2013

"There is no sincerer love than the love of food."- George Bernard Shaw Day 2 of January 2013. An ordinary day calls for a mundane routine which I prefer to eat.