Entries from 2012-07-01 to 1 month

Wounded Feeling

There are things that we need to let go.


Slaughter High

MY all time favorite. Love the plot. Love the serial killer's costume. I think, I can relate.


My attempt to make a Noh Mask

Yep. Probably not. It turned out to be a "JOKER" mask or somehow a messy one.


I am used to it. I am not really good at drawing. Even expressing my own feelings is not that accurate. But I think, I did my best. So,I am kinda thankful.

One of my fave artworks..




I am digging my own left hand


I still love it. Despite, the downfall of my healthy routine.

It was then, summer.


I am really bad at introductions. But My name is Drews. It's a shortcut for Andrews. This is me. This picture was taken during the fresh of summer. OH well.

I feel different. And I loved it. :)